Thursday, May 26, 2011

Maternity photos..

More photos to come from this session, but I had to share this one ASAP because it is my favorite.  I'm in LOVE!!!!!  Thanks Kelsey for all your help today to make this happen. I'm so glad we did this!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Baby Shower!

It's getting closer!!  Click this LINK to enter a guess for when our little guy will arrive!

I've been a slacker about sharing new things on Evan's blog for a little while... so sorry for the delay, but  back on May 1st, my sweet friends had a baby shower to celebrate and I wanted to share these photos!  Thanks so much to Karen & Kelsey for all your effort to make the day special for me!

Aside from that, a little update from my appointment today (May 18th).  Looks like I'm already 3cm dilated which I suppose is not that much of a surprise since I've been contracting pretty regularly each evening and sometimes enough in the night to wake me up.  My deliveries with both girls were pretty quick so it does make me feel a little nervous that he seems a little anxious to come out.  I'll be 36 weeks this Friday, so he needs to stay put for at least 9 more days to be 'full term' and 2 more weeks to make his Mommy happy because I kinda have my heart set on each of our kids having their own birth month!  (I know, I know... but I'm a planner and the idea of having May, June and Aug. birthdays means we can do something fabulous as a family in July to celebrate our trio of summer births!)

More soon!