Tuesday, October 25, 2011

19 Weeks Old

To see all the PHOTOS from this week, Click HERE!

This week we had a lot of fun around our house with Ryan's parents and some local friends.  It was very sweet to watch Jay and Canice get to spend time with the kids!  Things are busy in our house- we're so close to wrapping things up with our house project we can smell it!  There's nothing left at this point that is effecting our quality of life at all so we're feeling pretty much on cloud nine!  It's great!

Not too much new to report with Evan- he's still swaddled at night and naps, still waking me up in the night (I became a push over when we had guests in the house but this coming week he's on his own again... haha!) and still just as sweet as can be.

One more thing- this week Evan really enjoyed watching football with Ryan.  Seriously.  Bouncing in his chair, eyes on the screen, very excited.  HAHA!!!  We've got a fan!

Until next week, enjoy the pics!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

18 Weeks Old

To see all the PHOTOS from this week, click HERE!

Evan laughed!  Not just the little giggles he's been doing so far, but a full on belly laugh.  Ryan argues that he had laughed that way before this, but I'm writing 18 weeks down as his laughing week.  And, since I'm the blog writer and baby book maker, I'm pretty sure I get the final say in this matter.  -wink-

Aside from that, he had his 4 month appointment and while there decided it was finally time to roll from his belly to his back.  4 times to be exact.  The sweet med student who was trying to examine him was laughing as he rolled away from her over and over.  It was very funny. 

4 Month Stats:

14.10lbs (50th%) 
25 1/2 inches long (75th%) 
43.5cm head (75th%) 

While there are a lot of milestones from this week, (including Evan meeting Ryan's parents for the first time!!!) there are not a lot of photos (only 9, gasp!).  I meant to take some this evening but Evan is already sleeping.  Good thing we went to the park to fly a kite and to a pumpkin farm this weekend or I would not have any pics!  Anyway, enjoy what's there!  Until next week!


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

17 Weeks Old

To see all the PHOTOS from this week, click HERE!

Laughing. Grabbing his toes.  Smiling. A. Lot.  Sweet Evan- he's so much fun to have around.  Now, he'd be the perfect baby if he was not resisting his training to sleep in his crib without a feeding between 10pm and 7am.  I started this process a little earlier with the girls and they did not have quite the stamina Evan has at this point!  haha!

He will officially be 4 months old in 3 days... where is the time going?!?

I can't find my little point and shoot camera for some reason- that's where I usually get most of the variety for my weekly photos, so for now I'll just share the pics from my 'big camera'.  This week I wanted to take the time to capture Evan's chunky little rolls!  So, enjoy lots of close ups of his soft little skin.  Mmmm!  He's so wonderful!

Until next week, here's a photo of all 3 kids at 17 Weeks Old...

:)  Nancy

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

16 Weeks Old

To see all the PHOTOS from this week, click HERE!

This little guy just gets better and better.  He's such a sweetie.  We've started our cry-it-out crib phase (later than we did with both girls due to house stuff and mommy denial of how old Evan is) and he is doing pretty well.  Honestly, I'll be able to tell you more next week- it's only day 2 today :)

Evan's been keeping busy running around for all his sisters activities.  Aside from starting preschool, Jillian is also taking art and ice skating so we keep pretty busy driving around in the 'ol mini van.  Thankfully, Evan is still little enough to use the baby carrier and is pretty content running errands.  I will say that I'm noticing more his annoyance with being left in his carrier when we get places. He's not such a sleepy newborn these days!

I finally invested in a larger size swaddle for Evan since he still likes it so much and our little wiggler seems to be able to get out of anything I can do without a blanket which is designed to withstand aggressive movement.  Thankfully they have a few that go up to 22lbs in weight- makes me laugh- Liv and Jillian would only be a few pounds over! Haha!  Much too long though, of course!  -smile-  Anyway, thanks Robyn for the awesome gift.   :)

It's a late night- better rest before our marathon day of activities tomorrow!  Oh, in all the PHOTOS, this week you can kinda peek around and see some of the house stuff- our new sleek gray couch (fabulous!)

See you next week!
