Wednesday, December 28, 2011

28 Weeks Old

To see all the photos from this week, click HERE!

This week Evan took his first trip to NYC, tried pizza (crust), enjoyed his first Christmas, celebrated my 29th birthday, brushed his (2) teeth, and sat in a highchair at a restaurant for the first time! It was such a great week!

My Mom is in town visiting, so somehow I managed to get side tracked and forgot it was Tuesday, so this is a day late! Oops! We're having a great time visiting with her! It's easy to forget what day of the week it is when Ryan is off work and Jillian does not have school!

In fact, that's it. It's too busy around here to be updating baby websites- I'm taking a break until next year. -smile-

Happy New Year!


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

27 Weeks Old

To see all the photos from this week, click HERE!

Mr. Cutie got a haircut this week!  Ryan gave both the girls their first trim so we flowed suit with Evan. Over the past 6 months the hair on the sides of his head had fallen out and grew back in.  This left a long patch along the top that I fondly referred to as Evan's baby comb over.  For whatever reason, this long hair bugged me like CRAZY but Ryan didn't really think it was that big of a deal.  However, when I put it in a ponytail so we could save the piece we cut off and Ryan saw how cute silly she he looked with his new hairstyle, he didn't hesitate to cut it.  It's amazing how much lighter his hair looks now without the dark brown baby hair on top!  He has red undertones to his brown for sure... it's very noticeable in some light (such as the above photo) and hardly at all in other light.

Also noteworthy this week was Evan's 6 month check up.  We had to wait on his shots because he had a fever (and ear infection) at the appointment but we did get his stats:

Height: 27 1/2 inches (75%)
Weight: 17lbs, 4 oz (50%)
Head Circumference: 45 1/2cm (90%)

So, he's a little tall, average weight, with a huge head.  This has been pretty much his numbers since the beginning so no surprises here!  They put him on antibiotics for the ear infection and he seems to be feeling fine in that regard.  He did have his first runny nose/cough this week so that has been hard.

Last thing- Evan's sitting has improved a lot this week.  I made sure he had time to practice and he really seems to be getting the hang of it!

That's it for this week!  Enjoy the photos (check out Evan's LONG hair in the bath photos!  HAHA!), & enjoy your Christmas!


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

26 Weeks Old- 6 months on the 14th!

Click HERE to see all the photos from this week!

All I want for Christmas... we already have.


This little guy makes us so happy.  He's so sweet and patient and deals really well with being a third born and the fact that I drag him all over the place with no regard for his schedule.  He's going to be 6 months old tomorrow and that seems SO OLD to me!  Where has the last half of a year gone?!

He does not sit on his own yet- he's so flexible that he just flops his belly down on his legs and stays like that- haha!  He smiles whenever you make eye contact, he gurgles, ga-ga's and loves his sisters.  He does not like being alone very much.  He still sleeps swaddled (I know,  he's too old for that but he loves it...) He loves his pacifier (he can find it and put it back in his mouth now), he plays with toys, chews on everything and is growing like a weed.

Until next week- not a lot of photos this week, sorry!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

25 Weeks Old

To see all the photos from this week, click HERE!

Hello there bright eyes!  Are you guys as smitten with this little guy as I am?  Super Sweet.  He's awesome.

Guess what Evan did this week?  Got his two bottom teeth!!!  Not sitting up on his own (very well), not trying to crawl, does not like being on his belly, but he has two tiny teeth.  I guess that little taste of food last week inspired him to get movin' on teeth so he could get past yucky pureed sweet potatoes and onto the good stuff.  -smile-

This week we did a bunch of great stuff including gingerbread house baking and making at a friends house.  It was SO much fun!  While we were there Evan sat in a highchair for the first time.  What a big boy!

Until next week,
