Mr. Cutie got a haircut this week! Ryan gave both the girls their first trim so we flowed suit with Evan. Over the past 6 months the hair on the sides of his head had fallen out and grew back in. This left a long patch along the top that I fondly referred to as Evan's baby comb over. For whatever reason, this long hair bugged me like CRAZY but Ryan didn't really think it was that big of a deal. However, when I put it in a ponytail so we could save the piece we cut off and Ryan saw how
cute silly
she he looked with his new hairstyle, he didn't hesitate to cut it. It's amazing how much lighter his hair looks now without the dark brown baby hair on top! He has red undertones to his brown for sure... it's very noticeable in some light (such as the above photo) and hardly at all in other light.
Also noteworthy this week was Evan's 6 month check up. We had to wait on his shots because he had a fever (and ear infection) at the appointment but we did get his stats:
Height: 27 1/2 inches (75%)
Weight: 17lbs, 4 oz (50%)
Head Circumference: 45 1/2cm (90%)
So, he's a little tall, average weight, with a huge head. This has been pretty much his numbers since the beginning so no surprises here! They put him on antibiotics for the ear infection and he seems to be feeling fine in that regard. He did have his first runny nose/cough this week so that has been hard.
Last thing- Evan's sitting has improved a lot this week. I made sure he had time to practice and he really seems to be getting the hang of it!
That's it for this week! Enjoy
the photos (check out Evan's LONG hair in the bath photos! HAHA!), & enjoy your Christmas!