To see all the photos from this week, click HERE!
Evan has 4 teeth on the bottom now- that's 8 total! These two new additions literally came in over night. One evening, nothing- 12 hours later, substantial little pearly whites!
Evan's got waving down pat now.... he also is starting to be consistent with high fives. No cruising yet- lots of grabbing on furniture and standing though!
This week you'll see photos of Evan out to dinner at Pei Wei, our family out on the boat, Liv and Evan eating black beans together (this is a funny story- the photos are not the greatest but I had to keep them because it was so cute. I gave a bucket of beans to Liv and told her to give Evan one at a time. I told her she could have some too. When I came back in the room, she had given him far more than I expected and looked rather guilty about it! haha! She was also quite disappointed when I told her she could not continue to fill his tray -smile- she's a very generous big sister!) More photos of bath time fun, and a few of little E in his high chair too.
That's it for this week, enjoy the photos!
Not too many more posts to come....