Tuesday, May 15, 2012

48 Weeks Old- 11 Months!

To see all the photos from this week, click HERE!

It seems hard to believe, but our little guy is already 11 months old.  Where has our baby gone??  Evan is standing up all by himself by grabbing onto anything near by.  It's such a kick to walk into his room and see him standing there holding onto the rail of his crib.  He looks so big, and so small at the same time. -smile-

This week included Mother's Day- my first with the little guy.  It was great.  We had a wonderful brunch at the golf course and enjoyed spending the day as a family.  You can read more about that here...

Evan is happy eating baby food, but now that he is able to knock back about 9 of them a day (at $.50 each!) we're transitioning to table food.  At this point it's not so much that he's unwilling to eat himself, it's more me dragging my feet because of how messy/time consuming it is.  Oh well.  He's gotta learn!

Until next week!



  1. The year has flown by- it has been tremendous!

  2. Almost 1- no way! Evan, I love "hearing" all about your weeks and love looking at your pictures. Such a handsome boy you are!
