Tuesday, June 28, 2011

2 Weeks Old!

I realized I forgot to mention something last week- Evan's ears.  I had forgotten how newborns ears are very squishy and don't have hardened cartilage yet.  Already, his little ears have firmed up enough to stop being affected by my arm or a blanket he's laying on.  For the first few days though, his ears would get misshapen when he was laying on one for too long.  I think that's so sweet.  It's crazy how quickly those little newborn nuances pass...  I already miss his squishy ears!  :)

Here's what Evan has been up to this past week:

- Dealing with lots of camera flashes.  Jillian has decided she's "kinda a photographer" and likes to direct Evan and I for mini-photoshoots.  It's adorable and to be honest, the best way for me to get documented by a few minutes on the other side of the camera so I don't mind at all!  Look for some of her shots in the photos from this week.  (aka, anything I'm in) -smile-  Also, look for Evan posing in a Tonka truck. Cute!  He's asleep on the job I'm afraid...
- Sleeping, Eating, Pooping... all the newborn standards :)  He sleeps like a champ so far.  At least 3 hours at night time between feedings and so far goes happily back to sleep once he is fed.  He has gone a couple of four hour stretches too... awesome!
- Have I mentioned how much he likes to be swaddled?  SWADDLE ME!!!  That's the only thing he needs anytime he is fussy.  It's a pretty easy thing to do, so I'm more than happy to oblige!
- His 2 Week check up today: 22 inches long, 37cm head, 8lbs, 11oz
- He is super sweet, loves to cuddle and has his eyes open so much more now!
- His neck is already getting so much stronger- there's a pic of Evan and Jillian this week where he looks like he is practically sitting up!

That's it for this week!



  1. Evan is a beautiful baby. Thank you for getting the post done last night, the photo's are fun and seeing that Jillian is a budding photographer is particularly thrilling. Great job!
    I can't wait for a non-virtual visit!

  2. Nancy -

    Dylan also LOVED being swaddeled. I highly recommed the muslin adien anis blankets if you don't already have them. I probably swaddeled Dylan for 8 weeks and then his legs for even longer. We also found an awesome was to swaddle that was harder for him to break out of.
    what a sweet little face. So great Jillian's into snapping the pics!
