Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Aren't you ready yet?

For the past few weeks, I've been 2-3cm.  Now, based on our appointment this morning, it looks like I'm  "a good 4cm".  My doctor said she was surprised to still see me coming for my appointment, as she thought we'd probably had him by now.  I was feeling really anxious about him coming before June but now that it's the first?  Fair game!  I'm actually feeling a little better right now than I have during other parts of this pregnancy so although I'm ready to be done being pregnant and meet our little guy, I feel like if he waits until the 10th that will be okay with me.  Just that much more time between planning Jillian's party and his each year!  So, although in my opinion this belly below looks just about ready to pop, I suppose I have 9 more days in me if necessary!


  1. You can do it!!! I love the thinking aheader in you! :)

  2. I am getting impatient.
