Friday, October 29, 2010

First Ultrasound

Today Ryan and I went to our first appointment in Annapolis. The people there were really nice, and our appointment was reasonably quick. I was a little nervous about the whole thing because this is the first time we will be using civilian care vs. going to a military treatment facility but so far, so good!

Here we are showing the first (of MANY!) photos of the newest little blob:

And here's the actual ultrasound. Yup, that white-ish spot inside the darker grey-ish spot is a tiny .5cm baby. Strong heartbeat, and looking good! Is it just me, or does that look like a big pink bow on the top of it's head??? ;) (Just teasing!) I know it looks like a blob, but it's our tiny developing blob and we love it!!!


  1. I'm so happy for you...but I see a blue bow tie ;)

  2. ditto to what Katie said...I'm secretly hoping you are having a boy so that we can exchange boy secrets and tips and what not :) But 3 sisters would be oh so cute... :)

  3. How awesome Nancy! I had no idea. Congratulations!
