Tuesday, August 30, 2011

11 Weeks Old

Click HERE to see all the photos from this week!

I lost a week somewhere...  we went out to dinner this evening and when someone asked me how old Evan was, I said, "10 Weeks today!"  Nope.  11 weeks.  WHAT??  :)

There's not a ton of variety in the photos this week (perhaps part of the issue with my 'lost week' ??) but you can still get a good look at our handsome little guy.  My sister requested a profile shot, so that's in there too.

Two big things Evan experienced this week:  His first earthquake, and his first hurricane.  Yup.  Life here in MD has been a little outside of the norm.  Pair those two natural disasters (which were very mild at our house) with the mess of construction we are still living in and I'd say Evan is shaping up to be a durable and adventurous little guy!  Haha!  All kidding aside, we did have a tiny earthquake followed a few days later by hurricane Irene.  There was lots of rain and wind, but nothing major here.  Jillian's school has been closed for the past 2 days due to power outages, but we never lost power at our house or had any repairs to deal with.  We were very relieved!

Back to Evan- he is super sweet.  He still loves to eat, snuggle, and be held... he is still sleeping well, and still loves a pacifier and a tight swaddle.  We love this baby so much!

That's it- I'm off to bed!


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ten Weeks Old!

To see all the PHOTOS from this week, click HERE!

Wow, time sure does fly when you do three posts in quick succession like that!  haha!  But, regardless of my slacking over the past 2 weeks, sweet Evan is 10 weeks old today and we're lovin' him more than ever.  Ryan and the girls all noticed how much Evan has grown over the past week while we were traveling.  He's also much more alert... awake for long periods during the day, and is starting to be able to be entertained by people.  It's such a sweet stage he is at.  Evan is OBSESSED with ceiling fans, and lights.  He seems to be particularly intrigued by can lights and bright colored artwork.  It's so funny to watch him lock in on something and stare at it.  There's lots of thinking going on in that little brain, that's for sure!

I know I mentioned how good Evan was during our travel, but now that we're home (and I don't have to knock on wood) I'm happy to say that on all three of our flights, Evan didn't make a PEEP!  He was awesome.  On the way home we had to get up at 4am to be to the airport on time and he was still a rock star!  I'm so lucky!

I feel like it's been a bit since I've talked about things Evan likes so I want to record that he still likes his bouncy chair and swing, and he's starting to like laying on a blanket to stare at toys/fans/lights.  He's starting to tolerate having his arms out during awake time, but when he gets sleepy he's desperate to be swaddled.  It's the craziest thing how much he likes it.  Jillian could NOT stand being swaddled and Liv liked it, but not as much as Evan.  One thing is for sure- all three of these kids could not be more different!  Such a fun part of being a parent- really getting to know the traits each of them has and watching as they develop into a unique person.  Love it.

That's all for this week, but be sure to check out the photos, there are some really good ones this week!!!


Friday, August 19, 2011

9 Weeks Old

To see all the photos from this week, click HERE!

*Evan can roll. (From his back to his tummy on a soft bed if you're pushing it down a little by laying next to him)
*Evan can smile.  (Nearly every time you try for it)
*Evan has flown on an airplane. (from Baltimore to Phoenix which is 5+ hours and he did not make a peep the whole way even though we shared a seat and were very cramped the whole time)
*Evan's reflux might be starting to pass! (I've been doing less Zantac while we're traveling because I'm almost out and afraid to be without it on the plane home- lol)
*Evan has been very social for the past week + and was very excited to meet a good amount of friends/family while we have been traveling.
*Evan is a superstar and I could not ask for a better travel companion!

There's a ton more I could say about our sweet little guy, but I'm trying like heck to get caught up on photos, so this will have to do!!! Click here to see all the photos from this week!


8 Weeks Old

To see all the photos from this week, click HERE!

Every week I try to get a good photo of Evan's face for his baby book.  This week, I'm not in love with the quality of the one in the sink, but it's the best I've got!  That's the hard part about not posting on time! When I load up all the photos from the week if I don't have something I like, I usually go grab Evan for a quick photo shoot.  This time, these photos are already 2 weeks old, so there's nothing I can do.  Just one more reminder of why I like to post every week!  This little guy is changing so quickly!

I'm cutting myself some slack though, don't worry.  I know things have been crazy busy for our us and I'm happy to let this sit on the back burner for a minute if it means I'm more available for our family in some other way.  :)

Since I didn't love the solo pic of Evan, I decided to feature this other photo of Jillian reading to little 'E' also- I love his sweet little face listening to his big sister.  He really was into watching her turn the pages- it was so sweet.  (Although I do love that you can see the dimple in his chin pretty clearly in that pic...)

This week Evan had his first trip to the pool (just to watch from the side though... no swimming yet!) and really started to smile back when you grin at him.  It melts your heart.  I love how he opens his little mouth like he is surprised to see you and then transitions into a smile.  The. Sweetest.

That's all for week 8!  To see the rest of the pics, click HERE.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011


If I could find the power cord for my laptop, I'd be happy to put up the post for this week!! Wish us luck with our unpacking and I'll update as soon as I can!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

7 Weeks Old

Click HERE to see all the photos from this week!

Has another week passed already?!  I can't get over how sweet our little guy is.  He is getting more and more alert and is finally starting to check things out that are more than just a few feet away from him.  You can tell his vision is starting to clear up.  The other day I lay him on the bed and his sweet little face looked so surprised as he gazed up to the ceiling fan.  Haha!  It's as though he was thinking- whoa, Mom- check that thing out!  -smile-

There are not very many photos this week- as you might imagine things have been BUSY!

Until next week,


P.S.- One more adorable thing.  As you know Liv is smitten with this little guy.  Well all of a sudden whenever she hears his start to fuss she yells, "Evan!" to make sure we take care of him ASAP.  The cute thing is when she says Evan, it sounds EXACTLY like she is saying Onion.  AW!  Our little Onion.  Hehe!  Also, she likes to pat his belly and soothingly say, "okay buddy... okay buddy..." when he cries.  I love this sibling relationship they are developing!  Liv is such a good big sister!