Wednesday, July 27, 2011

6 Weeks Old (and one day)

To see all the PHOTOS from this week, click HERE!

I'm not a big fan of being late on these posts, but based on the fact that we're packing up our entire house for a move tomorrow, I'm going to cut myself some slack this week.  And maybe next week too.  ;)  I'm sitting on our bed right now surrounded by wardrobe boxes squeezing in a minute between the packers leaving and figuring out dinner (I'm thinking Red Robin tonight based on the fact that we don't have any pots and pans available right now!) typing this up, editing photos, and uploading everything.


Evan is such a fun little guy- he continues to be patient and sweet (especially when being loved on by his sisters!)  I did a trial of no Zantac and it's helping for sure so we're going to stick with that for awhile...  Evan is getting stronger and stronger- when you lay him on his belly now he kicks his legs like crazy and swims around with his arms- so cute!  I've been amazed from day one how strong he is with his neck.  I can hold him under his armpits and let him sit on my stomach and he will hold his own for such a long time!  Strong boy!

This week Evan went to IKEA (had mixed feeling about that- don't we all?!  haha!), enjoyed his first ice cream party, played at the park, and had lots of Grandma time! My Mom is here right now soaking up the kids and she's been a big help with the move too!  It's so nice to have an extra person to help with all this!

That's it for this week-  enjoy all the PHOTOS!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

5 Weeks Old

To see all the photos from this week, click HERE!

What a week!

Evan is new to Zantac, and so far I don't feel like it's made a big difference.  Although, things don't seem worse so maybe it's helping...  We will see.... Our Dr. told us to keep at it for a week before we decide so that's what we'll do.

Things around our house have been very busy.  We're only 8 days away from our move now so there's lots of final prep going on.  The house is still very much in construction so we're hoping things all fall into place as planned!

My Mom is here to visit and has been loving her time with Evan and the girls.  It's nice to have her here to help out while we're rushing around coordinating the final details of our house stuff!

Evan is really starting to spend more and more time hanging out.  Before this past week or so it seemed he was mostly sleeping, eating, or crying.  Now he lays quietly looking around and really seems to be soaking in the world around him.  I know people say "it's just gas" but there have been at least 2-3 times I am confident Evan has smiled.  It's very sweet and I'm looking forward to big toothless grins.  :)

Not much more to report for this week- everything/everyone is doing great!  The last few nights Evan has gone to bed around 8:30pm and after a quick "dream feed" at 10:30 or 11pm, has slept until at least 4am, ate, and back to bed until 7am or later.  Not too bad!

Next Tuesday we will be on day 2 of packing our house, so if I don't post, you'll know why!


P.S.- Uncle Travis- the mohawk in the above photo is for you- yup... we used gel and a little hairspray to get it like that- Doesn't Evan look thrilled?!  Haha!  For more pics, click HERE!

Friday, July 15, 2011

One Month Old & A Bunch of Photos

Yesterday Evan turned a month old.  Today at his appointment he was 10lbs, 11oz, 22.5 inches long, with a head circumference of 39cm.  He's growing right on track!

At the appointment today we decided to do a trial week of Zantac- he's started rejecting some feedings at first, and is quite uncomfortable afterwards so our Dr. thought it would be a good idea to try this for a week and see if things improve.  It's not really too bad yet, but since he's showing some signs at 4 weeks, if it is reflux, it's going to get worse so I'll be happy to nip it in the bud now if possible!

Also, I know you can't see the blemishes on his skin in most of the photos- (a nice soft focus and flash is good for making skin look nice and uniformed!) but it's pretty bad.  The other day I thought it was improving, but since it's gotten worse.  Turns out little man has 3 different types of skin issues going on (OH BOY!) and so we've got a prescription to try a steroid cream and a recommendation to start washing his face and body with a dandruff shampoo such as head and shoulders.  Also, our Dr. suggested using a baby lotion every morning or evening to see if that helps.  Poor little guy!

Aside from sharing about our appointment today, I wanted to post a digital birth announcement and send links for a couple of photos groups.

So, here's his birth announcement:

Welcomed with love by Ryan, Nancy, Jillian & Liv:

THESE PICTURES (LINK) are all the other keepers from when we were taking his birth announcement photos that we did not use for the above announcement...

Last, these photos are from a session the girls and I did with a photographer in DC.  I wanted to do some unique maternity pictures (in an urban area with lots of texture) and I'm so happy with how they turned out!  The one of Liv standing on my knees is my favorite!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

4 Weeks Old!

Click HERE to see all the photos from this week!

I think my best chance of actually achieving a weekly post with a third child is to break it up a little bit.  My goal is to get the "main photo" for the week and the text posted while the big girls are napping, and then add the link for the rest of the pics once they go to bed.  Man!  Tuesday is a busy day for me!  I'm so glad to have a 'deadline' each week because it forces me to write about what Evan is up to, and get my pictures of him situated every 7 days.  It's a LOT of work to pull together each week, but if I let it slide for weeks on end it would be even worse!!!

This week I've been really good about keeping to Evan's schedule.  He eats at 7am and then every 3 hours after that.  At night, I feed him at 10pm and then as he wakes on his own.  Usually if I can push the 10pm feeding until later I do.  Ryan and I usually go to bed pretty late so most of the time he is eating around 11-12pm and then sleeps until around 4am, and then it's time for 7am breakfast!  Works out great.

Since we work on a 3 hour schedule (eat, play, sleep) it's easy for me to see how much more alert he is during his "play time" now.  He spends SO much more time looking around and seems to like it when his sisters stick their faces close to his.  -smile-

Evan has a SUPER strong neck already.  He can pick up his head and turn it from side to side, he throws it back when you are holding him, and when he's hungry he uses that neck strength to root around on anything which might produce milk.  Haha.

Still likes being warm, still likes being swaddled.

So far, I'd only been peed on once (something that all mother's of boys warned me would happen ALL the time) but then he did it again this afternoon.  I think I'd gotten a little lax on making sure the clean diaper was quickly in place.  Oops.

I have not talked about the little dimple in Evan's chin yet.  Sometimes it's easier to see than others...  it's there for sure though- super cute.  Also, his skin is finally starting to clear up a little bit, but we are noticing what a greasy boy he is!  Honestly- if I wash his hair/face in the morning, by noon he is already starting to look shiny again.  Is this a boy thing?  haha...

Evan's still a little jaundiced... it's nothing to be concerned about, and is slowly fading so we just wait I guess...

I can't believe our little guy will already be a MONTH old on Thursday!  What a joy he is!  We love our little buddy.

Until next week, don't forget to check out the pictures from this week including sweet Evan very clearly flipping me off.  Awesome.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

3 Weeks Old!

Now that Evan is 3 weeks old, I feel like we're really starting to get to know him.  Things he likes, things he DOES NOT like...  It's the most awesome feeling to be introduced to a new little person.  Our new little person.  Amazing.

So, some of the latest on Evan- he still likes being swaddled and likes nice firm pats and a pacifier.  One funny thing about Evan is how wide he opens his mouth when he is offered a pacifier.  We had tried to use newborn pacifiers for the first few days but he could actually get his lips on the outer edges of the plastic.  Ha!  As you might imagine, this made him quite angry. So, I went and bought 6 month pacifiers and the larger size seems to suit him much better- he's rarely without a pacifier at this point.  Loves it.  Aside from that he still likes the swing quite a bit, and likes the bouncy/vibrating chair too.  Right now as I type he is in the bouncy chair swaddled, with a pacifier, being bounced by my foot with the vibration on.  And, he's still being a little fussy.  Argh!  Being fussy like this is rare for him, but happens... Hopefully what that means is when we go to bed in a little bit he will be worn out and ready to sleep!

Sleep has been going well so far- this week we had our first really difficult night where he was up a good bit.  Usually he wakes up just about every 3 hours, eats and goes back to bed.  For now he is still in our room through the night.  I'd prefer to move him into his own crib at this point, but he'll have to wait a little longer for his room to be finished- the moving truck comes on the 25th... fingers crossed the house is ready by then!

In the PHOTOS this week, you'll see our family hanging out on a fire truck at a 4th of July picnic hosted by Under Armor in Baltimore. Also, Evan at the park with his sisters (where he met a lot of new friends and went on his first train ride & carousel).  E's first trip to 5 Guy's for a burger -wink-.  4th of July pics, snuggling with big sis Jillian, story time at the library, snuggle time with Mommy on the couch, family kisses before bed, & Jillian holding Evan "all by herself".  Whew!  What a week!!!

Off to figure out what's wrong with this cranky baby.  Perhaps he didn't notice it's midnight!  Day 21.  The most crying he's done in his life.  By far.

:)  Nancy