Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Another Ultrasound!

We went to the OB just before Christmas (on the 22nd) for a quick check up.  I can't explain it, but I've been feeling SO nervous about this pregnancy so every appointment is a very welcomed confirmation that everything is progressing as it should.  And, since we had another great check up, I'm finally starting to chill out and look forward to meeting this little person we are creating.  Such an amazing process.

Anyway- just to get my blood pressure going, they tried to listen to the heartbeat with the  doppler but could not find it (here's me freaking out a little bit for the 10 minutes it took to get me into a room with an ultrasound machine to check on baby).

Sure enough, he/she was looking great, wiggling around, and had grown quite a bit since our last ultrasound.

The doctor was nice enough to take a quick picture for us, so here's the latest peek at the baby:

P.S. I tried to put on regular jeans yesterday and um.... not so much.  I'm going to blame it entirely on the little buggar pictured above vs. the holidays and all the treats I've been eating, okay??  :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

M&M's opinion.

When a friend of mine was pregnant, a couple of us gave her some pink and blue M&M's all jumbled up in a bag.  The idea is to count them, see which there is more of and, voila!  You'll know what gender baby you are having.  The M&M's stand a pretty good chance of guessing correctly seeing how it's about 50/50.  -smile-

Anyway- today, she returned the favor for me.

Here are my two bags of M&M's.  In the pink bag there were 221, in the blue?  228.   I'm not sure how this factors in, but Jillian promptly ate the 7 extra blue.  Hmmm.... guess we're still waiting to see.

Thanks, Erin.  :) 

Monday, December 6, 2010


A friend of mine who is about a month ahead of us in her pregnancy found out she is having a boy today.  I told Jillian about it, and her response was hilarious.

Here's the conversation:

Me: "Jillian, did you know our friend found out she has a baby boy in her belly?"
Jillian: "WHY did she pick that?!"
Me: "Babe, you don't pick if your baby is a boy or a girl.  When a baby starts to grow in your belly, it's already one or the other.  You just have to wait to find out until it is a little bigger."
Jillian: "Oh."
Me: "When you were in my belly, you were already girl, and when Liv was in my belly, she was already a girl"
Jillian: "What about when you were a baby?"
Me: "When I was a tiny baby in Grandma's belly, I was a girl too.  And do you know what?  When Daddy was a tiny baby, HE was already a BOY!"
Jillian: "Oh... well... I sure hope our baby decides to be a girl.  Or maybe you will have a cat in your belly. I want a girl, or a cat."
Me: "Uh... well, I'm sure it won't be a cat."

How could this not crack me up??!!  This is not the first conversation Jillian and I have had about having another baby and if it will be a boy or a girl.  I'm nervous if we do end up having a boy because she is ADAMANT that she "just likes sisters".  Haha.  Seriously, she would have months and months to get used to the idea so I'm sure she would come around but for now, she's picturing pink.  Which, I suppose is really just a big compliment to her sweet sister.  -smile-

Friday, December 3, 2010

The latest ultrasound!

When we went for our check up on the day before Thanksgiving, we were NERVOUS!  I was not feeling as 'pregnant' as I wanted to be and honestly, I thought maybe things were not progressing as they should.  Imagine our thrill when the nurse did an ultrasound and revealed our baby wiggling around, swimming in circles and looking MUCH bigger than last time we had an ultrasound!  Everything is looking really good!  Baby is growing right on track, and I'm finally starting to believe we're actually going to have another baby!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Our little Pumpkin Family!

It was a little difficult to post these photos because although we're staying optimistic, you gave us a little scare over the weekend. We went back to the Dr. on Monday, Nov. 1st though, and things were still looking good. So, whatever you're doing in there to cause problems- Stop It! :)

Picking out our pumpkin family at the farm:

Daddy, Mommy, Jillian, Liv & Crouton:

Our family, all dressed up:

Happy Halloween littlest pumpkin!

Friday, October 29, 2010

First Ultrasound

Today Ryan and I went to our first appointment in Annapolis. The people there were really nice, and our appointment was reasonably quick. I was a little nervous about the whole thing because this is the first time we will be using civilian care vs. going to a military treatment facility but so far, so good!

Here we are showing the first (of MANY!) photos of the newest little blob:

And here's the actual ultrasound. Yup, that white-ish spot inside the darker grey-ish spot is a tiny .5cm baby. Strong heartbeat, and looking good! Is it just me, or does that look like a big pink bow on the top of it's head??? ;) (Just teasing!) I know it looks like a blob, but it's our tiny developing blob and we love it!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Number THREE, how can it BE?!?!


This morning I took a pregnancy test, and it said yes. Seriously. It said yes.

I'm a little surprised because I had taken two prior to this HOPING they would be positive, but since they were not, I'd kinda lost hope. Not as though I was depressed about it, but more that I had resigned to the idea that it just was not going to happen this month. But, it did.

How do you express being speechless on a blog?!?! I'm speechless. Three kids. It is an incredible blessing. And now, we wait until our doctor's appointment, and verification that this is really happening, and that everything is okay. I hope hope hope everything is okay.

I know the line is faint (it was this way with both the girls too) but it's there:

We've known for about 7 hours now. It's fair to say I'm still a little shocked.

My family. I can't help but dream about what that third little face will look like. A boy? A girl? At the risk of having to apologize to our future son, I'm kinda leaning towards having another girl- Ryan said three girls would be "Charlie's Ryan's angels"

The biggest sister:

She sure loves that Daddy! How lucky our kids are to have such a wonderful Dad...

Family photo:

Seriously? Another one? How could we be so lucky?!?

I know this is totally gross, but Jillian asked to hold the pregnancy test and I told her she could not. When she asked why, I didn't want to lie so I told her, "The way you find out if you are going to have a baby is by peeing on this test. So, there might be some pee on there and I don't want you to touch it." She said- "Oh, I don't mind touching pee pee." lol. Still, no.

Yes, I told her to make that face:

In this photo I believe Liv is thinking- "Did that stick just tell you I'm stuck being the middle child??? Aw man- prove it!"

For documentation sake, I also have to record how I told Ryan. There's a story before the story...

A few days ago, Jillian and I were talking about car manufacturers and how vehicles are built. She was curious if they used a crane to build cars. I explained the process and she said, "Ohhh... and then you bought this car so you could drive us around wherever you want, whenever you want- like just now, to the store!" Yup, that's correct.

Then I added that if we added another baby to our family we would have to get rid of the SUV I drive now, and get something with more room.

Jillian agreed- "Yeah, we would need room for more car seats."

Then she asked- "Mommy, if we have another baby, what will it's name be?" I said, "I don't know Jillian, what do you think?" She pondered it for a moment and then said (totally serious) "Crouton?" When I laughed, she decided she was being funny so she added more silly stuff (strawberry, pineapple...) But Crouton. That's a riot. We're considering it for a middle name. (Just kidding).

Anyway- I had told the story to Ryan who thought it was rather funny...

So, fast forward to this morning:

Me: "Jillian, go tell Daddy that Mommy has a crouton"
Jillian: "okay Mommy!.... Daddy! Mommy has a crouton!"
Ryan: "(suspicious) Where is the crouton? In her belly?"
Jillian: "no... well... um... Mommy? In your belly?"
I nod.
Jillian: "Oh, YES! In her belly!!!"
Ryan: Big grin.

More later!!!!