Tuesday, May 29, 2012

50 Weeks Old

To see all the photos from this week, click HERE!

Evan has 4 teeth on the bottom now- that's 8 total!  These two new additions literally came in over night.  One evening, nothing- 12 hours later, substantial little pearly whites!

Evan's got waving down pat now.... he also is starting to be consistent with high fives.  No cruising yet- lots of grabbing on furniture and standing though!

This week you'll see photos of Evan out to dinner at Pei Wei, our family out on the boat, Liv and Evan eating black beans together (this is a funny story- the photos are not the greatest but I had to keep them because it was so cute.  I gave a bucket of beans to Liv and told her to give Evan one at a time.  I told her she could have some too.  When I came back in the room, she had given him far more than I expected and looked rather guilty about it!  haha!  She was also quite disappointed when I told her she could not continue to fill his tray -smile-  she's a very generous big sister!) More photos of bath time fun, and a few of little E in his high chair too.

That's it for this week, enjoy the photos!

Not too many more posts to come....


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

49 Weeks Old

To see all the photos from this week, click HERE!

Sweet boy.  This week Evan waved!  Super cute.  He will do it when you ask sometimes, and sometimes not...  We're getting there!  Evan is standing up on everything- not cruising, but lots of standing.  The girls have started calling him "destructo-baby".  He's a bit of a busy little thing.  He really likes to empty things.  If there are toys in a box, he takes them out.  Crayons in a bucket are quickly strewn about the floor.  All the books can be removed from his shelves in a matter of moments. Therefore, destructo-baby.  -smile-

This week Evan celebrated big sister Jillian's 5th birthday.  It was lots of fun! We also had some fun at the park, and had a great time playing on Jillian's bed- Evan was acting SO big when he was on there...  the pictures are cute.

It's hard to believe he is so close to being one.  Where has this year gone?

More to share that I'm sure is slipping my mind right now- I'll add later if I think of it.  For now, I'm off to relax a bit!  Enjoy the photos!


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

48 Weeks Old- 11 Months!

To see all the photos from this week, click HERE!

It seems hard to believe, but our little guy is already 11 months old.  Where has our baby gone??  Evan is standing up all by himself by grabbing onto anything near by.  It's such a kick to walk into his room and see him standing there holding onto the rail of his crib.  He looks so big, and so small at the same time. -smile-

This week included Mother's Day- my first with the little guy.  It was great.  We had a wonderful brunch at the golf course and enjoyed spending the day as a family.  You can read more about that here...

Evan is happy eating baby food, but now that he is able to knock back about 9 of them a day (at $.50 each!) we're transitioning to table food.  At this point it's not so much that he's unwilling to eat himself, it's more me dragging my feet because of how messy/time consuming it is.  Oh well.  He's gotta learn!

Until next week!


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

47 Weeks Old

To see all the photos from this week, click HERE!

Poor little guy got shots this week, he seemed a little grouchy and sore as a result.  At the pediatrician I found out he is 1/2 inch too big for his baby car seat so it looks like we will be swapping him into a big boy seat very soon.  Man!  I dislike this transition very much.  Very.  Much.

Evan is very close to pulling up/cruising on things.  He is able to quickly 'stand up' on his knees, and has a bit of a step reflex now when we help him to stand.  Times are a changin' with this little guy- he's fast!

In the pictures I tried to capture what it's like for me most of the day- Evan trying his hardest to get to me.  He wants to be near me, but then wants me to let him explore on his own.  What he really wants is for me to stand up and carry him around.  It's not happening all the time, sorry buddy.

I really do love this little guy- he's so darn sweet despite his insistence to grab, smack, pull, scratch and scream all the time.  The girls are constantly telling him (in very gentle and loving voices) to "be a nice baby".  It seems to be helping.  I think?  haha. 

Until next week, enjoy the PHOTOS of Evan crawling on/to me, Jillian "helping Evan learn how to walk", outside in the stroller and hanging out on the front deck, time reading and sibling bath time.
 (Evan will NOT miss out on a bath- he crawled into the bathroom in a HURRY when he heard the water come on, plus the girls were sharing a chocolate shake in the tub so it was a very desirable situation!!!)

Take care,


Oh- Evan's getting a new bottom tooth- that makes 3 on the bottom, 7 total :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

46 Weeks Old

To see all the photos from this week, click HERE!

Every time I think I'm short on photos, I end up taking a ton on the last few days leading up to Tuesday.  So, there are lots of pics this week.

You'll see Evan at the pool (his first time!) and he really liked it.  I had a feeling he would- he's such a big fan of the bath...

We went to the National Aquarium this weekend and enjoyed seeing all the different exhibits.  Evan cruised around in my baby backpack and even fell asleep for a little while- this was a first as well!  It was really cute.

Evan is getting MUCH better at feeding himself.  He's been kinda a lazy baby in this regard and had not gotten into finger foods too much until lately.  Now he's cramming mac and cheese into his mouth like an old pro!

Evan has not started cruising around on furniture yet, but he has developed a new monkey crawling style with the bottom of his feet on the ground instead of his knees.  Looks like he would be very good at yoga- his downward dog is almost perfect.  -smile-  (There are a whole bunch of him crawling around- he's quick now!  I thought it kinda looked like a freeze frame video so I kept them all in the slideshow.)

Evan is a bit of a trouble maker- already is getting into more stuff than the girls did, and is MUCH more persistent/stubborn when I scold him.  He screams a lot.  Seriously, a lot.  A high pitched little shriek.  Not my favorite.  This week I scowled at him when he shrieked at me because he wanted something and sternly said, "Evan.  Say PLEASE.  P-P-Pleeeaaase."  I was amazed when he responded with little puffing "puh puh" sounds.  He's clearly a genius.  Haha!  Guess my endless amount of translating his lovely noises into words/manners might pay off after all!

The kids put on dance shows for Ryan and I.  We put on music, and Jillian tells everyone what to do,  oh...  I mean, leads the group in an amazing performance.  Evan is not the best cast member just yet.

Evan loves the doorway Johnny Jumper.  I'm thrilled because it lets him burn off some energy, but I know where he is the whole time.  It's awesome (for both of us!)

Aside from some bath time photos, that's it for this week.  Hope all of you are doing well!
