Tuesday, June 21, 2011

One Week Old

To see all the photos of Evan from this week, CLICK HERE!

It's only been a week since Evan joined our family, and already we're settling into a routine, and loving life with the addition of this little guy. He is a JOY.  Ryan took time off since last Tuesday and tomorrow he's going back to work so it will be my first day with just me and the kids.  I think it will be just fine- I'm feeling pretty darn good and I'm ready to try my hand at being a Mom of 3!

Here are some things we have come to know about Evan in the first 7 days of his life:
  • At birth he was 8 pounds, 6.4 ounces and 20.5 inches long.
  • At his one week check up he was 7 pounds, 15.5 ounces and 22 inches long.  His head was 36cm.
  • He likes to be swaddled
  • He does not mind having his hair washed
  • He has very long fingers and toes
  • He would rather swing front to back than side to side (in the baby swing)
  • He does NOT like being cold
  • He's a big fan of eating
  • He likes being in the baby bouncer/recliner
  • He is very patient (so far, haha!) with all the affection his sisters show him
  • His preference is to be held over anything else and likes to be patted firmly and hauled around like a sack of potatoes
  • He will take a pacifier, sometimes...
  • Right now his eyes are a steely blue color... not sure what our guess is on final color
  • He was born with some little acne spots on his nose.  Apparently it's a harmless baby rash (there are some spots on his legs too) that about 10% of babies get.
  • This evening his umbilical cord fell off.  It was starting to dangle on one side, but seemed firmly attached on the other side.  I think it may have been caught on his clothes and come off a little early.  I hope it heals up without a trip to the pediatrician!
  • He likes to be carried around in the baby sling
  • He does not like being strapped into his car seat, but once he's in it's not so bad.  So far, he seems to have mixed feeling about being in the car
  • Last one- as seen in the above photo, Evan almost always has his little mouth open.  It's sweet. 
I'm sure there are more, but it's late here and time for us to go to bed!  Mostly, what I want to remember about the first week with our little guy is just how much he has stolen our hearts and how much we love him to pieces. He is adorable, sweet, and the perfect addition to our family.  Love. This. Baby.

Until next week,


P.S.- The girls are adjusting really well to having Evan in the house.  Jillian told us: "It's kinda like Evan has two mommies and one big sister, right?  I'm mommy number two, and you can be mommy number one."  I told her no.  Haha.  And Liv, wow.  She surprised us so much!  I thought mostly she would be jealous of how Evan would take attention away from her but so far, she's not.  I know there will be times of this (of course) but for now when I'm holding him, she walks up with her little mouth pursed and demands to kiss him.  If he is busy eating, she gets a little annoyed because she wants to kiss him right on the mouth.  When she does this, he tries to latch onto her nose and she finds this hilarious! ;)


  1. Such Sweet Tidbits. He's beautiful! Thanks Nancy! :)

  2. So sweet! Can't wait to meet him :)

  3. you guys make the CUTEST kids!!

  4. Maybe I'm biased, but I think the little guy is pretty handsome! - Aunt Julie
