Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Siblings meet & 1st Family Photo!

This is not edited, and is almost 8 minutes long.  I could try to trim it down and polish it a little, or, I could be realistic and just post the whole thing on here and actually share it before to much time passes!  :)  So- if you have time to spare, and would like to watch the first interaction between Jillian, Liv & Evan, click below!  If you're getting this update via email, you may need to click this LINK to see the video.

Have a wonderful day, and thanks to Heather for the adorable Big Sister/Middle Sister shirts for the girls!  Perfect!



  1. I LOVE the video, thank you, thank you, thank you, for sharing!

    I will probably watch it at least 10 times :)

    ♥ XOXOX The proudest Auntie ♥

  2. What a beautiful family! I absolutely adore the video, what a wonderful way to welcome Evan to the family! He is the luckiest little boy in the world.

    Congrats! Love you guys!


  3. OMG, Could this be any cuter? I don't think so. I love how Liv wants to just hold him and love him so much!! Love this video. Great job Kules family!

  4. You're family is beautiful and Evan is so lucky to have two sisters who love him so much!!! I'm looking forward to weekly updates for the next year!

  5. That Liv is a hoot. She sure loves her some Evan. And you little Jilly Bean is relish. God bless your beautiful family.

  6. Ok...this baby belongs to Liv clearly!!! This is the best! Thank you for posting this beautiful moment! What a beautiful family! Love you all! He is a lucky lil man and you are all truly blessed!
