Friday, July 15, 2011

One Month Old & A Bunch of Photos

Yesterday Evan turned a month old.  Today at his appointment he was 10lbs, 11oz, 22.5 inches long, with a head circumference of 39cm.  He's growing right on track!

At the appointment today we decided to do a trial week of Zantac- he's started rejecting some feedings at first, and is quite uncomfortable afterwards so our Dr. thought it would be a good idea to try this for a week and see if things improve.  It's not really too bad yet, but since he's showing some signs at 4 weeks, if it is reflux, it's going to get worse so I'll be happy to nip it in the bud now if possible!

Also, I know you can't see the blemishes on his skin in most of the photos- (a nice soft focus and flash is good for making skin look nice and uniformed!) but it's pretty bad.  The other day I thought it was improving, but since it's gotten worse.  Turns out little man has 3 different types of skin issues going on (OH BOY!) and so we've got a prescription to try a steroid cream and a recommendation to start washing his face and body with a dandruff shampoo such as head and shoulders.  Also, our Dr. suggested using a baby lotion every morning or evening to see if that helps.  Poor little guy!

Aside from sharing about our appointment today, I wanted to post a digital birth announcement and send links for a couple of photos groups.

So, here's his birth announcement:

Welcomed with love by Ryan, Nancy, Jillian & Liv:

THESE PICTURES (LINK) are all the other keepers from when we were taking his birth announcement photos that we did not use for the above announcement...

Last, these photos are from a session the girls and I did with a photographer in DC.  I wanted to do some unique maternity pictures (in an urban area with lots of texture) and I'm so happy with how they turned out!  The one of Liv standing on my knees is my favorite!


  1. Time does fly! Especially when it is other people doing the middle of the night feedings. I can't believe it is already a month. Babies born on the 14th are awesome. I have two! :) It'll be easy for me to remember his monthly birthdays.

    For the reflux and "colic" like acting uncomfortable after feedings etc, Bryson went to a baby chiropractor. One who ONLY cares for children. She was incredible and "fixed" him right on the table using only the amount of pressure as the weight of a nickel. It was amazing, if you can find a recommendation I highly recommend it. It fixes reflux, 94% of colic, and most feeding issues.

    Good luck, I hope the Zantac also helps the little guy be more comfortable, nothing worse than seeing your newborn too uncomfortable to eat. Hugs.

  2. Also, I love the beautiful and unique maternity shots as well as the family/newborn ones. SO precious!
