Tuesday, August 30, 2011

11 Weeks Old

Click HERE to see all the photos from this week!

I lost a week somewhere...  we went out to dinner this evening and when someone asked me how old Evan was, I said, "10 Weeks today!"  Nope.  11 weeks.  WHAT??  :)

There's not a ton of variety in the photos this week (perhaps part of the issue with my 'lost week' ??) but you can still get a good look at our handsome little guy.  My sister requested a profile shot, so that's in there too.

Two big things Evan experienced this week:  His first earthquake, and his first hurricane.  Yup.  Life here in MD has been a little outside of the norm.  Pair those two natural disasters (which were very mild at our house) with the mess of construction we are still living in and I'd say Evan is shaping up to be a durable and adventurous little guy!  Haha!  All kidding aside, we did have a tiny earthquake followed a few days later by hurricane Irene.  There was lots of rain and wind, but nothing major here.  Jillian's school has been closed for the past 2 days due to power outages, but we never lost power at our house or had any repairs to deal with.  We were very relieved!

Back to Evan- he is super sweet.  He still loves to eat, snuggle, and be held... he is still sleeping well, and still loves a pacifier and a tight swaddle.  We love this baby so much!

That's it- I'm off to bed!



  1. Good night! I understand how you could have lost a week. :)

  2. Wow, he looks so much like Ryan in that pic! Precious! Of course you lost a week! You were hit with a double whammy, during construction right after you got back from your trip! I'd not only lose a week, I'd lose my mind too!

  3. I feel like Evan looks really different this week, the change of newborn to baby, baby boy actually. He looks pretty different from the girls to me in this series of pictures too. I always look at him and see Liv, and this week, he looks like his own little Kules variation. He's so cute, I can't believe how fast they are all growing up. Oh, and I'm so happy to hear about the reflux relief happening, I hope it continues!
